A. Jesse Jiryu Davis
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Burial Vessel
Elizabeth Gross weaving a vessel for green burial.
With apologies to Shelley.
Climbing at Bonticou Crag
October 19, 2024. Climbing undocumented routes in the Gunks.
Join Me At NYC Systems October 17
I'm speaking about MongoDB's experimental predictive auto-scaling.
Antlion Crag
September 21, 2024. Chris on Refrigerator Crack 5.10a and Cloud Nine 5.9 at the new Antlion Crag in the Gunks.
Are You Prepared To Save A Life?
You can find yourself in a critical situation without warning. Is Zen practice preparing you?
Review: Amazon MemoryDB: A Fast and Durable Memory-First Cloud Database
AWS hacked up Redis to improve durability and consistency.
What's Next for Women in Tech?
Ideas for increasing women's share of the industry have come and gone, but mentorship is always helpful.
Coaching Will Be The Last Human Job
AI can't exert peer pressure the way humans can.
Summer Meditation Retreat
Candlelight zazen and Seiryu's first dharma talk.
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