- How To Hobble Your Python Web-Scraper With getaddrinfo()
I discover that contention for the getaddrinfo lock on Mac makes it appear that connecting to localhost times out.
- Announcing Motor 0.5 with asyncio, Python 3.5, and "async" / "await"
This version is compatible with Python 2.6 through 3.5, and it can use either Tornado or asyncio as its async framework.
- Motor 0.5 Beta: asyncio, async and await, simple aggregation
My async driver for MongoDB now supports asyncio, and allows "async" and "await" in Python 3.5. Collection.aggregate() is more concise.
- Announcing libmongoc 1.2 Beta
A rewritten mongoc_client_t with parallel server discovery, plus many features and fixes.
- Update on Motor and asyncio
The roadmap for asyncio support, plus "async" and "await" in Python 3.5.
- Download Stats By Python Version: PyMongo, Motor, Tornado
Some pretty charts about relative Python version usages from Donald Stufft.
- Screencast of "Eventually Correct: Async Testing With Tornado"
In video form with closed captions, my talk about testing asynchronous Python code.
- Eventually Correct: Async Testing With Tornado
Event-loop management, error handling, and coroutines as unittests.
- Talk Python To Me Podcast: Python and MongoDB
Michael Kennedy interviewed me about my career as a Python programmer and how I came to work for MongoDB. We discussed PyMongo, Motor, and Monary.
- Response to "Asynchronous Python and Databases"
Some thoughts on Mike Bayer's excellent article about asyncio, database drivers, and performance.