A. Jesse Jiryu Davis
All Articles
Category: Zen
Which Beings Are Sentient?
I reviewed the book The Edge of Sentience and shared good news about humanity's moral progress regarding animal welfare.
Winter 2024 Meditation Retreat
December 2024. The Village Zendo's winter meditation retreat in Garrison, NY, led by head student Ryugin.
Is an Enlightened Person Afraid of Illness and Death?
A dharma talk I gave at the Village Zendo December 12, 2024, about my mother's brain surgery and end-of-life decisions.
Are You Prepared To Save A Life?
You can find yourself in a critical situation without warning. Is Zen practice preparing you?
Summer Meditation Retreat
Candlelight zazen and Seiryu's first dharma talk.
New Abbot Ceremony
June 16, 2024. The Descending and Ascending the Mountain Ceremony.
Jyakuen's Shuso Hossen
March 24, 2024. A ceremony at the Village Zendo. Jyakuen gave her first dharma talk and became a senior Zen student.
Bodhisattvas Always Smile
We vow to bear witness to the world's suffering, but there's no reason to be gloomy about it. Let's be cheerful bodhisattvas!
Village Zendo's Winter 2023 Meditation Retreat
Photos from our Zen retreat at Garrison Institute.
Village Zendo's Winter 2022 Meditation Retreat
Photos from our Zen retreat at Garrison Institute.
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