A. Jesse Jiryu Davis
All Articles
Tag: pymongo
Announcing PyMongo 3.0 Beta
PyMongo 3.0 is conformant, responsive, robust, and modern. Try it!: pip install https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-python-driver/archive/3.0b0.tar.gz
MongoDB Driver Issues Are Now Public
We're opening our ticket tracker so you can see all cross-language issues.
Announcing PyMongo 2.8 and Motor 0.4
Compatible with new MongoDB 3.0 features.
It Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time: MongoReplicaSetClient
Concludes a four-part series about choices we regretted in the design of PyMongo.
It Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time: PyMongo's "copy_database"
Third in a four-part series about choices we regretted in the design of PyMongo.
It Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time: PyMongo's "use_greenlets"
Second in a four-part series about choices we regretted in the design of PyMongo.
It Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time: PyMongo's "start_request"
First in a four-part series about choices we regretted in the design of PyMongo.
Announcing PyMongo 2.8 Release Candidate
Compatible with new MongoDB 2.8 features, and deprecates some features that will be removed in PyMongo 3.0.
Announcing The Server Discovery And Monitoring Spec
The new spec defines how MongoDB drivers connect to replica sets and other server topologies.
PyMongo 2.7 Has Shipped
New features, mainly to support MongoDB 2.6.
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