
I took a break from Motor to make a new package "Toro": queues, semaphores, locks, and so on for Tornado coroutines. (The name "Toro" is from "Tornado" and "Coro".)

Why would you need something like this, especially since Tornado apps are usually single-threaded? Well, with Tornado's gen module you can turn Python generators into full-featured coroutines, but coordination among these coroutines is difficult. If one coroutine wants exclusive access to a resource, how can it notify other coroutines to proceed once it's finished? How do you allow N coroutines, but no more than N, access a resource at once? How do you start a set of coroutines and end your program when the last completes?

Each of these problems can be solved individually, but Toro's classes generalize the solutions. Toro provides to Tornado coroutines a set of locking primitives and queues analogous to those that Gevent provides to Greenlets, or that the standard library provides to threads.

Here's a producer-consumer example with a toro.Queue:

from tornado import ioloop, gen
import toro

q = toro.JoinableQueue(maxsize=3)

def consumer():
    while True:
        item = yield gen.Task(q.get)
            print 'Doing work on', item

def producer():
    for item in range(10):
        yield gen.Task(q.put, item)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    loop = ioloop.IOLoop.instance()
    q.join(callback=loop.stop) # block until all tasks are done

More examples are in the docs: graceful shutdown using Toro's Lock, a caching proxy server with Event, and a web spider with Queue. Further reading:

Toro on Read the Docs

Toro on Github

Toro on PyPI

Toro logo by Musho Rodney Alan Greenblat