- Mohonk Preserve Rangers
March 25, 2025. Mohonk Preserve rangers training for rescue operations.
- Gravity Vault Climbing Team
February 18, 2025. The local youth climbing team training at the gym.
- Red Rocks
A medium-disappointing week climbing in Nevada.
- Review: SwiftPaxos: Fast Geo-Replicated State Machines
A complex consensus protocol for deployments with uneven network latencies.
- Mixed-Media Climbing Art
Climbing photos, framed with climbing slings, chalk, and rocks.
- New Paltz in the Fall
October 22, 2023. Afternoon light.
- Dustin Portzline
Rock guide and artist.
- Which Beings Are Sentient?
I reviewed the book The Edge of Sentience and shared good news about humanity's moral progress regarding animal welfare.
- Winter 2024 Meditation Retreat
December 2024. The Village Zendo's winter meditation retreat in Garrison, NY, led by head student Ryugin.
- Is an Enlightened Person Afraid of Illness and Death?
A dharma talk I gave at the Village Zendo December 12, 2024, about my mother's brain surgery and end-of-life decisions.