- Announcing libbson and libmongoc 1.2.2
A fix for hidden secondaries, and an improvement to the build system.
- Announcing libbson and libmongoc 1.3.0-beta0
MongoDB 3.2 features, many fixes and improvements in GridFS, better findAndModify API.
- Test MongoDB Failure Scenarios With MockupDB
Fourth in my "black pipe testing" series. How do you test your MongoDB application's reaction to database failures, hangs, and disconnects?
- Announcing libbson and libmongoc 1.2.1
An SSL bugfix for pooled clients, domain socket fix, El Capitan build guide.
- Black Pipe Testing A Connected Application In C
The fourth "black pipe testing" article: testing the MongoDB C Driver with mock_server_t.
- Cross-linking Mallard HTML Pages With yelp-build
How to link from pages of one Mallard document to another.
- Survey: What MongoDB C Driver Features Do You Care About?
If you use MongoDB from a C application, what features do you care about? ARM support? More example code? FreeBSD? Take our survey and let us know.
- MockupDB: Testing The MongoDB C Driver With Python
The third "black pipe testing" article: testing libmongoc with MockupDB, a wire protocol server written in Python.
- Announcing libbson and libmongoc 1.2.0
A rewritten mongoc_client_t with parallel server discovery, plus many features and fixes.
- Testing PyMongo As A Black Pipe
The second "black pipe testing" article: testing PyMongo with MockupDB.