A. Jesse Jiryu Davis
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Category: C
Black Pipe Testing: Preface
Traditional "black box" testing can't fully validate MongoDB clients and other connected applications. Here's a convenient way to test the whole program.
Announcing libbson and libmongoc 1.2.0 Release Candidate
The next big release of the MongoDB C Driver is available for testing.
Announcing libbson and libmongoc 1.1.11
Documentation improvements and many network-layer bugfixes.
Review of "Write Great Code, Volumes 1 and 2"
An unfinished work, good but not great.
Announcing libmongoc 1.2 Beta 1
Further improvements to the MongoDB C Driver since the first 1.2.0 beta.
Announcing libmongoc 1.2 Beta
A rewritten mongoc_client_t with parallel server discovery, plus many features and fixes.
Announcing libbson and libmongoc 1.1.10
Three bugfixes in the MongoDB C library.
Announcing libbson and libmongoc 1.1.9
Urgent bugfix release of the MongoDB C library.
Announcing libbson and libmongoc 1.1.8
Bugfix release of the MongoDB C library.
Announcing libbson and libmongoc 1.1.7
Bugfix releases for the MongoDB C libraries.
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