A. Jesse Jiryu Davis
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Category: Photography
Gunks Climbing Photos
May 7, 2023. Photos I took in Irene Yee's climbing photography clinic.
Village Zendo's Winter 2022 Meditation Retreat
Photos from our Zen retreat at Garrison Institute.
New Paltz Zen Center
December 18, 2022. Jo An, Keishin, and Ruby the dog practicing at the New Paltz Zen Center in upstate New York.
Psilocybin session at Johns Hopkins
Photos from the Center for Psychedelic and Consciousness Research in Baltimore.
Bouldering in Peter's Kill
November 5, 2022. A casual bouldering competition in Peter's Kill, part of the Gunks climbing region in upstate New York.
Shugo's Shuso Hossen
October 29, 2022. A ceremony at the Village Zendo in which Jeff Shugo Berman gave his first dharma talk and was promoted to senior Zen student.
Village Zendo's Summer Meditation Retreat 2022
Photos of my Zen community's first in-person sesshin since December 2019.
Climbing in Peterskill
May 29, 2022. Photos of my friends climbing in upstate New York.
Eye-Closing Ceremony at the Village Zendo
Covering the statue of Manjusri and desanctifying the space, in preparation for moving to the zendo's new location.
Cleaning Up Rikers Island
Photos and story: faith leaders and incarcerated boys work side by side to repaint a youth jail.
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