A. Jesse Jiryu Davis
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Category: Photography
Climbing in Peterskill
May 29, 2022. Photos of my friends climbing in upstate New York.
Eye-Closing Ceremony at the Village Zendo
Covering the statue of Manjusri and desanctifying the space, in preparation for moving to the zendo's new location.
Cleaning Up Rikers Island
Photos and story: faith leaders and incarcerated boys work side by side to repaint a youth jail.
July 4, 2021
People watching NYC fireworks from the FDR highway.
Nighttime meditation in East River Park
November 28, 2020. Members of the Village Zendo meditating outdoors at night in Manhattan's East River Park.
Meditation at Home
Photographs of Village Zendo members in early 2020.
Climbing Under Lockdown
March 29, 2020. The gym has been closed two weeks, I'm starting to climb the walls.
Joren's Shuso Hossen
March 8, 2020. Joren Sarah Drury gave her first dharma talk and engaged the community in dharma combat.
Meditation at the Village Zendo
November 24, 2019. Meditation at a Zen temple in Manhattan.
Yokoji Zen Mountain Center
August 2019. Yokoji Zen Mountain Center, in the San Bernardino Mountains.
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