A. Jesse Jiryu Davis
All Articles
Category: Programming
Join Me At NYC Systems October 17
I'm speaking about MongoDB's experimental predictive auto-scaling.
What's Next for Women in Tech?
Ideas for increasing women's share of the industry have come and gone, but mentorship is always helpful.
How To Use MongoDB Causal Consistency
The missing manual for a useful MongoDB feature.
Pseudocode Is Not Durable
Use Python: it's less ambiguous, well-known, and concise enough.
Multi-Paxos in Python, tested with Jepsen
A 2-week toy project to learn a famous algorithm and try out a distributed systems test framework.
Current and Future Tools for Interactive TLA+
A talk I gave at the 2021 TLA+ conference with Samy Lanka.
Paper Review: Programming as Theory Building
Peter Naur (of Backus-Naur form) wrote that programmers' main job is not coding, but building a theory of the problem and solution.
Choosing the Adventurous Route: The Career Path for Non-Managers
Video of my PyTennessee 2019 keynote, about making the most of a lifetime as a coder.
Choosing the Adventurous Route: Resources
Links to articles and papers I mention in my PyTennessee talk about the career path for coders.
Please Vote for My ConFoo Proposals
I have some ideas to share at ConFoo 2019 in Montréal. Vote for me!
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