- Motor 2.0
Add multi-document transactions, delete a bunch of old methods and drop MongoDB 2.6.
- Further Reading About What To Expect When You're Expiring
Links related to my PyTennessee 2018 talk about Python object destructors.
- Video: Writing Winning Proposals for Tech Conferences
For PyLadies, I gave a webinar about CFPs, as part of the Global Diversity CFP Day. Watch the video for my tips about launching your speaking career.
- Announcing libbson and libmongoc 1.9.2
Fixes a mistake that causes a compile error in a macro definition.
- Announcing libbson and libmongoc 1.9.1
Revert an incompatible change to a macro definition, fix an off-by-one bug in regexes.
- Announcing libbson and libmongoc 1.9.0
Support for new MongoDB 3.6 features like change streams and retryable writes.
- Motor 1.2.0
Adds change streams, causal consistency, retryable writes, and more. Drops Python 2.6, MongoDB 2.4, and Tornado 3.
- Announcing Motor 1.2 Release Candidate, With MongoDB 3.6 Support
Adds change streams, causal consistency, retryable writes, and more. Drops Python 2.6, MongoDB 2.4, and Tornado 3.
- Announcing libbson and libmongoc 1.8.2
Don't bundle Snappy compression library, fix linker errors for libmongoc users.
- Announcing libbson and libmongoc 1.8.1
Fixes some build system bugs related to zlib and snappy compression.