A. Jesse Jiryu Davis
All Articles
Category: Programming
PyGotham 2015
Anna Herlihy presents a Python-to-machine-code compiler, and I'll live-code an async framework with coroutines!
Announcing libmongoc 1.2 Beta
A rewritten mongoc_client_t with parallel server discovery, plus many features and fixes.
Update on Motor and asyncio
The roadmap for asyncio support, plus "async" and "await" in Python 3.5.
Announcing libbson and libmongoc 1.1.10
Three bugfixes in the MongoDB C library.
Announcing PyMongo 3.0.3
A minor bugfix release.
Announcing libbson and libmongoc 1.1.9
Urgent bugfix release of the MongoDB C library.
Announcing libbson and libmongoc 1.1.8
Bugfix release of the MongoDB C library.
Announcing libbson and libmongoc 1.1.7
Bugfix releases for the MongoDB C libraries.
Tornado Locks And Queues (The End Of Toro)
I merged Toro, my library for coordinating asynchronous coroutines, into Tornado 4.2.
Server Discovery And Monitoring In PyMongo, Perl, And C
Our drivers' algorithms to discover and stay connected to your server, replica set, or sharded cluster.
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