A. Jesse Jiryu Davis
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Category: Python
Consistency and Isolation for Python Programmers
My PyCon 2023 talk about using databases safely.
Why Should Async Get All The Love?: Advanced Control Flow With Threads
Writeup of my PyCon 2022 talk. How to write safe, elegant concurrent Python with threads.
Coaching For All 2021 PyGotham Speakers
Opera singer Melissa Collom will help you give a terrific talk.
Get a Coach for your PyCon 2021 Talk
A speaking coach will help you make make your PyCon video polished, convincing, and fun.
The Python Language Summit 2020
Each year the Python core developers and a few Python community members have an exclusive one-day summit to discuss the future of the language.
PyGotham 2019 Speaker Coaching Recap
This year thirteen PyGotham speakers received free training from opera singer and speaking coach Melissa Collom. Here's what they said.
PyGotham 2019's ASL and Live Captioning Playbook
Here's what we did for Deaf and hard-of-hearing accessibility, in detail. I hope this recap can be a playbook for future conferences.
Free Coaching For PyGotham Speakers
For the third year, the PyGotham programming conference offers free coaching for speakers.
The Python Language Summit
Each year the Python core developers and a few Python community members have an exclusive one-day summit to discuss the future of the language.
PyCon Canada Video: API Evolution the Right Way
My talk in Toronto about ten covenants that responsible library authors keep with their users.
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