A. Jesse Jiryu Davis
All Articles
Category: Python
Motor 0.3.4 Released
Fixes a leak in the connection pool.
A Normal Accident In Python and mod_wsgi
Cascading failures lead to a tricky bug in PyMongo.
MongoDB Boston
Links to more info about my presentation at MongoDB Boston, about MongoDB, Python, and visualization.
Announcing The Server Discovery And Monitoring Spec
The new spec defines how MongoDB drivers connect to replica sets and other server topologies.
Let Us Now Praise ResourceWarnings
I used to hate Python 3's ResourceWarnings, until one saved my tuchus.
Motor 0.3.2 Released
Fixes a socket leak in "copy_database" that has been present since Motor 0.2.
Motor 0.3.1 Released
Fixes a bug when GridFSHandler is combined with a timezone-aware MotorClient.
Write An Excellent Programming Blog
I want you to write. You can help us by writing just as much as by hacking. Besides, it's the best way to learn: writing is thinking.
Rules of Thumb for Methods and Functions
How I stay sane when designing an object-oriented architecture.
Refactoring Tornado Coroutines
Asynchronous Python is more flexible than blocking code, but you need to follow a few rules.
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