- Motor 0.3 Released
No new features. Now supports Python 2 and 3 single-source.
- Motor 0.2.1 Released
A patch release that fixes two bugs.
- PyCon APAC 2014 recap
Taiwanese volunteers put on a warm, friendly conference, and I ate really weird things in night markets.
- PyCon in Taipei!
I'm speaking on "What Is Async?" and a new talk, "Python Profiling: The Guts and the Glory."
- PyCon 2014 Video: What Is Async, How Does It Work, & When Should I Use It?
My talk about Python's asyncio library, and async frameworks in general.
- Motor 0.2 Released
Motor 0.2 has been released. It's a huge upgrade: ease-of-use improvements, non-blocking DNS, and compatibility with MongoDB 2.6 and PyMongo 2.7.
- PyMongo 2.7 Has Shipped
New features, mainly to support MongoDB 2.6.
- An Enlightening Failure
How I fooled myself into thinking I'd made my code eight times faster.
- Waiting For Multiple Events With Tornado
How do you start multiple I/O operations with Tornado, and process results in the order they complete?
- How Thoroughly Are You Testing Your C Extensions?
How to measure code coverage in your Python C extension modules.