- Tokuyu, Oshin, and Kaku
August 20, 2017. Zen priests at the Village Zendo's summer retreat.
- Jisei's Shuso Hossen
August 20, 2017. The Village Zendo's twice-annual ceremony in which a student gives her first dharma talk.
- Kaku and Giyu
August 6, 2017. Bob Kaku Gunn and Connor Giyu Gillis at the Village Zendo's summer retreat.
- Precepts Ceremony at the Village Zendo
Our annual jukai ceremony: four students vowed to uphold the Buddhist teachings.
- Living While Dying Is Tasty
My mother plans to die at 85. What will that final year be like?
- Issan House Photos and Stories
Photos and stories from three HIV-positive men in a Zen housing facility.
- Your Nerve Plant
To focus the mind, you first have to understand and accept the mechanism of mind-wandering.
- Begging, 2017
I need to raise $500 for homeless services so I can join a Zen street retreat.
- How I'm Preparing For Sickness, Old Age, And Death
Easily write a will, health proxy, and advance directive, and talk about death with strangers.
- Invitation to a Zen Street Retreat, July 2017
Join me and Genro Roshi for a four-day meditation retreat on the streets of NYC.