- Kansho's Shuso Hossen
March 19, 2017. Our annual ceremony in which a Zen student gives his first dharma talk.
- Handling Fear and Confusion with Faith and Strength
In the first weeks of the Trump regime, my methods for fulfilling my Bodhisattva mission
- The Village Zendo's Winter Retreat
December 2016. Our meditation retreat in Garrison, NY.
- Village Zendo at the NYC Women's March
January 21, 2017. Enkyo Roshi and members of my Zen temple at the post-inaugural march.
- Joshin Sensei at Year-End Sesshin
A teacher at the Village Zendo, during our retreat in Garrison, NY.
- Ordination Ceremony for Doji at the Village Zendo
October 9, 2016. Anne Doji Reigeluth's Tokudo ceremony, in which her head was shaved and she became a priest of the Village Zendo.
- Yujin's Shuso Hossen
August 21, 2016. Yujin's shuso hossen ceremony at the Grail retreat center.
- Winter Ango 2013
Old color photos from the Village Zendo's year end retreat.
- Zen Street Retreat 2016
Recap of my four days living and meditating on the streets in New York.
- For Or Against?: 9/11 and The Precept of Non-Killing
On the 15th anniversary of 9/11, I describe my difficulties practicing nonviolence in a world full of violence.