A. Jesse Jiryu Davis
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Tag: conference-tips
Video: Writing Winning Proposals for Tech Conferences
For PyLadies, I gave a webinar about CFPs, as part of the Global Diversity CFP Day. Watch the video for my tips about launching your speaking career.
Say Useful Things To An Audience That's Listening: 6 Tips For Delivering A PyCon Talk
Stage-manage your talk to stay focused on your point and keep the audience's attention.
Captioning Myself And 6 Other Ways I'll Prepare In The 24 Hours Before I Speak At Pycon
How I prepare the night and morning before I give a technical presenting.
Performance, Persuasion, Structure: What A Speaking Coach Did For My PyCon Talk
I'm rehearsing my talk alone, for friends, and for a professional speaking coach. Guess which is most productive?
Do Your Slides At The Last Minute: 8 Steps To Writing Your PyCon Talk
Choose an inspiring call to action, outline a compelling structure, and get a speaking coach.
Tech Talks Are Campfires: Jesse's Three Reasons You Should Speak At PyCon
A talk about software doesn't have to be a tour de force. It's just the campfire we gather around so we can be together.
Don't Submit A Talk About Your Great Hack: Jesse's Seven Tips To Get Into PyCon
Advice on submitting to CFPs at software conferences.