A. Jesse Jiryu Davis
All Articles
Tag: threading
Day Of The Thread
Pitfalls to avoid when submitting a patch to the core Python team.
Dawn Of The Thread
How to avoid zombie threads in ancient versions of Python.
Night Of The Living Thread
A fun series about a race condition I fixed in Python's threading implementation.
Knowing When A Python Thread Has Died
Sometimes thread.join() isn't enough.
Python's += Is Weird
Image: William Warby on Flickr Here's a Python gotcha I've hit often enough to merit a blog post: x += 1 is weird in Python. It's compiled roughly like x = x + 1, with two surprising consequences. One is this familiar pitfall: >>> x = 0 [ ... ]
Python's swap is not atomic
I rewrote PyMongo's connection pool over the last few months. Among the concurrency issues I had to nail down was, if a thread is resetting the connection pool as another thread is using the pool, how do I keep them from stepping on each [ ... ]