A. Jesse Jiryu Davis
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Memorial Day Dharma Talk
My father-in-law is a soldier and my mother is a peace activist. Buddha's Middle Way allows us both to honor veterans and to oppose war.
"Ordinary Zen" Photos in the Edge of Humanity Magazine
My Village Zendo photos were published by an online photo magazine.
Video of My PyCon 2017 Talk, "Grok the GIL: Fast and Thread-Safe Python"
Read ancient CPython source code, and learn a principle so pithy you can write it on the back of your hand.
Let's Grok the Gil at PyCon, Friday
I'm talking about fast and thread-safe Python tomorrow at 12:10, in the Oregon Ballroom 201-202.
Off-Broadway Musical About the Life of the Buddha
My partner Jennifer Keishin Armstrong and I reviewed and photographed "Under The Bodhi Tree."
Praxis Housing: John
When I got out of prison, I'd never had a job in my life.
Join me for NYC Python Meetup's PyCon Warmup Sessions
A night of PyCon talk rehearsals next Thursday, May 11.
Our Chinese dwarf hamster Mae has died at one and a half years.
Grok the GIL: Write Fast and Thread-Safe Python
Read ancient CPython source code, and learn a principle so pithy you can write it on the back of your hand.
Join Me Thursday with ChiPy and Chicago PyLadies
A sneak preview of my new PyCon talk, "Grok the GIL: Write Fast and Thread-Safe Python."
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