A. Jesse Jiryu Davis
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Video of My PyCon 2017 Talk, "Grok the GIL: Fast and Thread-Safe Python"
Read ancient CPython source code, and learn a principle so pithy you can write it on the back of your hand.
Let's Grok the Gil at PyCon, Friday
I'm talking about fast and thread-safe Python tomorrow at 12:10, in the Oregon Ballroom 201-202.
Off-Broadway Musical About the Life of the Buddha
My partner Jennifer Keishin Armstrong and I reviewed and photographed "Under The Bodhi Tree."
Praxis Housing: John
When I got out of prison, I'd never had a job in my life.
Join me for NYC Python Meetup's PyCon Warmup Sessions
A night of PyCon talk rehearsals next Thursday, May 11.
Our Chinese dwarf hamster Mae has died at one and a half years.
Grok the GIL: Write Fast and Thread-Safe Python
Read ancient CPython source code, and learn a principle so pithy you can write it on the back of your hand.
Join Me Thursday with ChiPy and Chicago PyLadies
A sneak preview of my new PyCon talk, "Grok the GIL: Write Fast and Thread-Safe Python."
Who Discovered Why The Challenger Exploded?
The real hero of the accident investigation wasn't known until 2013.
Kansho's Shuso Hossen
March 19, 2017. Our annual ceremony in which a Zen student gives his first dharma talk.
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