A. Jesse Jiryu Davis
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All Articles
Buddhist Groups Supporting Refugees
My Zen group, the Village Zendo, is leading a Buddhist project to resettle refugees in NYC.
Paper Review: E-Store, P-Store, and Elastic Database Systems
A PhD thesis and two papers about reactive and predictive autoscaling.
Paper Review: 1Pipe
A super-low latency protocol with causal consistency and total order, for cutting-edge data centers.
244 Days Off
I'm going on sabbatical from MongoDB until December.
Multi-Paxos in Python, tested with Jepsen
A 2-week toy project to learn a famous algorithm and try out a distributed systems test framework.
Eye-Closing Ceremony at the Village Zendo
Covering the statue of Manjusri and desanctifying the space, in preparation for moving to the zendo's new location.
Cleaning Up Rikers Island
Photos and story: faith leaders and incarcerated boys work side by side to repaint a youth jail.
Paper review: Scaling Large Production Clusters with Partitioned Synchronization
A clever algorithm for reducing conflicts in a distributed task scheduler.
Current and Future Tools for Interactive TLA+
A talk I gave at the 2021 TLA+ conference with Samy Lanka.
Paper Review: Programming as Theory Building
Peter Naur (of Backus-Naur form) wrote that programmers' main job is not coding, but building a theory of the problem and solution.
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