- Shugo's Shuso Hossen
October 29, 2022. A ceremony at the Village Zendo in which Jeff Shugo Berman gave his first dharma talk and was promoted to senior Zen student.
- Notes from HPTS 2022
I attended my first High Performance Transaction Systems conference, here are my messy inaccurate notes.
- Village Zendo's Summer Meditation Retreat 2022
Photos of my Zen community's first in-person sesshin since December 2019.
- Climbing in Peterskill
May 29, 2022. Photos of my friends climbing in upstate New York.
- Why Should Async Get All The Love?: Advanced Control Flow With Threads
Writeup of my PyCon 2022 talk. How to write safe, elegant concurrent Python with threads.
- Buddhist Groups Supporting Refugees
My Zen group, the Village Zendo, is leading a Buddhist project to resettle refugees in NYC.
- Paper Review: E-Store, P-Store, and Elastic Database Systems
A PhD thesis and two papers about reactive and predictive autoscaling.
- Paper Review: 1Pipe
A super-low latency protocol with causal consistency and total order, for cutting-edge data centers.
- 244 Days Off
I'm going on sabbatical from MongoDB until December.
- Multi-Paxos in Python, tested with Jepsen
A 2-week toy project to learn a famous algorithm and try out a distributed systems test framework.