A. Jesse Jiryu Davis
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All Articles
Eye-Closing Ceremony at the Village Zendo
Covering the statue of Manjusri and desanctifying the space, in preparation for moving to the zendo's new location.
Cleaning Up Rikers Island
Photos and story: faith leaders and incarcerated boys work side by side to repaint a youth jail.
Paper review: Scaling Large Production Clusters with Partitioned Synchronization
A clever algorithm for reducing conflicts in a distributed task scheduler.
Current and Future Tools for Interactive TLA+
A talk I gave at the 2021 TLA+ conference with Samy Lanka.
Paper Review: Programming as Theory Building
Peter Naur (of Backus-Naur form) wrote that programmers' main job is not coding, but building a theory of the problem and solution.
Coaching For All 2021 PyGotham Speakers
Opera singer Melissa Collom will help you give a terrific talk.
Priest ordination for Shōmon at the Village Zendo
August 2, 2021. This summer's head trainee, Willie Mukei Smith, was ordained and received the name Shōmon.
The MongoDB Stable API
For MongoDB 5.0, I designed a new Stable API that permits you to upgrade without code changes.
Paper review: Strong and Efficient Consistency with Consistency-Aware Durability
Don't wait for data to be durable when you write it, wait before you read.
July 4, 2021
People watching NYC fireworks from the FDR highway.
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