A. Jesse Jiryu Davis
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Category: Motor
Motor 0.2 Released
Motor 0.2 has been released. It's a huge upgrade: ease-of-use improvements, non-blocking DNS, and compatibility with MongoDB 2.6 and PyMongo 2.7.
PyMongo 2.7 Has Shipped
New features, mainly to support MongoDB 2.6.
Escaping Callback Hell
MongoDB's asynchronous interface will require no callbacks in the next release.
Porting From PyMongo To Motor
How can you port a complex application from blocking to non-blocking style without rewriting all your code at once?
The Green Matrix
MotorConnection Has Been Renamed MotorClient
Yes, Every MongoDB Driver Supports Every Command
Motor: Iterating Over Results, The Grand Conclusion
Motor: Iterating Over Results
Eating Your Own Hamster Food
If you aren't using your own libraries as you build them, you're skipping an essential test: not mainly for correctness or performance but for usability. (Using your software as you develop it is normally called "eating your own [ ... ]
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