A. Jesse Jiryu Davis
All Articles
Tag: distributedsystems
Review: SwiftPaxos: Fast Geo-Replicated State Machines
A complex consensus protocol for deployments with uneven network latencies.
Predictive Scaling in MongoDB Atlas, an Experiment
At MongoDB, we experimented to see if we could predict each DBaaS customer's demand fluctuations, and auto-scale them using this foreknowledge.
Review: Amazon MemoryDB: A Fast and Durable Memory-First Cloud Database
AWS hacked up Redis to improve durability and consistency.
Review: Detock: High Performance Multi-region Transactions at Scale
A deterministic DB based on Calvin and SLOG, optimized for geo-distributed transacations.
Review: Timestamp as a Service, not an Oracle
A new distributed algorithm in a classic style: consensusless monotonic timestamps.
How To Use MongoDB Causal Consistency
The missing manual for a useful MongoDB feature.
Review: Antipode: Enforcing Cross-Service Causal Consistency in Distributed Applications
A 2023 paper about an interesting new consistency level for microservices.
Review: Leases: An Efficient Fault-Tolerant Mechanism for Distributed File Cache Consistency
The 1989 paper that invented timed leases for consistency in distributed systems.
Review: Exploiting a Natural Network Effect for Scalable, Finegrained Clock Synchronization
A 2018 paper with an algorithm to tightly synchronize clocks between servers, and measure one-way latency.
Review: Nezha: Deployable and High-Performance Consensus Using Synchronized Clocks
A protocol like Fast Paxos, with some interesting optimizations.
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