A. Jesse Jiryu Davis
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All Articles
Announcing libbson and libmongoc 1.4.2
Fixes two bugs in "minPoolSize" logic.
Zen Street Retreat 2016
Recap of my four days living and meditating on the streets in New York.
For Or Against?: 9/11 and The Precept of Non-Killing
On the 15th anniversary of 9/11, I describe my difficulties practicing nonviolence in a world full of violence.
Announcing libbson and libmongoc 1.4.1
Three minor bugfixes.
Water Tower
June 20, 2016. A water tower in southeast Portland.
Yankee Stadium
July 10, 2013. MongoDB staff took our summer interns to a Yankees game.
June 20, 2016. Portrait of a friend in Portland.
Precepts Ceremony at the Village Zendo
Our annual jukai ceremony: eight students vowed to uphold the Buddhist teachings.
Announcing libbson and libmongoc 1.4.0
Now with native TLS on Mac and Windows, no need for OpenSSL there.
We Need More Headlines Like "No Evidence For Flossing"
The media should report inconclusive studies more, it could end science's replication crisis.
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