Sea, by Clive Varley

It is my pleasure to announce the second beta release of the MongoDB C driver 1.2.0. It includes features and bugfixes developed since 1.2.0-beta. Get it here:

New features:

Notable bugs fixed:

  • Crashes and races in several replica set scenarios.
  • The driver now uses the server's maxWireVersion to avoid an error and extra round-trip when executing aggregations on MongoDB 2.4 and older.
  • Fixed network error handling in multiple code paths.
  • connectTimeoutMS limits the time the driver can spend reconnecting to servers in single-threaded (non-pooled) mode with serverSelectionTryOnce.

Version 1.2.0 final will be a stable release with additive ABI changes and bugfixes. It is compatible with MongoDB version 2.4 and later.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this version of libmongoc.

  • A. Jesse Jiryu Davis
  • Hannes Magnusson
  • Manuel Schoenlaub
  • Kyle Suarez
  • Remi Collet

I hope you'll try this beta and let me know how it goes. Open a ticket in our bug tracker in the "CDRIVER" project if you find an issue. If you try it and it goes well, email me! I'm I'd love to hear from you, and I need to know how the beta period is going for libmongoc users.


A. Jesse Jiryu Davis

Image: Clive Varley