- Announcing Motor 1.2 Release Candidate, With MongoDB 3.6 Support
Adds change streams, causal consistency, retryable writes, and more. Drops Python 2.6, MongoDB 2.4, and Tornado 3.
- Video From PloneConf 2017: Why Generosity Turns to Rage
My keynote about how to master our emotions and be nice to beginners.
- Retrospective: Coaching for First-Time PyGotham Speakers
With your help, I hired opera singer Melissa Collom to coach 11 people. Here's what they said.
- My conversation with Mark Weiss on the new "Using Reflection" podcast
The lack of mentorship in the software industry, my freelancer days vs. my long-term commitment to MongoDB, and the influence of Zen on my career.
- Help Me Offer Professional Coaching to PyGotham Speakers
There are many first-time speakers this year, let's give them the skills and confidence to give great talks.
- Vote For Your Favorite PyGotham Talks
Help us find the best talks among our proposals, and shape this October's conference.
- PyGotham's Call For Proposals Ends Tuesday at Noon Eastern
Speak at PyGotham in NYC this October. It's an eclectic tech conference about Python, open source, policy, and culture.
- Join Me and PyLadies NYC For a PyGotham Proposal Workshop
Tuesday evening at MongoDB HQ, the PyLadies and the PyGotham staff will help you write a talk proposal.
- New Driver Features for MongoDB 3.6
A faster and smaller wire protocol, simple resilient code, and realtime change streams.
- Video of My PyCon 2017 Talk, "Grok the GIL: Fast and Thread-Safe Python"
Read ancient CPython source code, and learn a principle so pithy you can write it on the back of your hand.