A. Jesse Jiryu Davis
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Gunks Climbing Photos
May 7, 2023. Photos I took in Irene Yee's climbing photography clinic.
Consistency and Isolation for Python Programmers
My PyCon 2023 talk about using databases safely.
Pseudocode Is Not Durable
Use Python: it's less ambiguous, well-known, and concise enough.
Review: Distributed Reset
A 1994 paper describing how to bring a distributed system to a known state.
Review: Cornus: Atomic Commit for a Cloud DBMS with Storage Disaggregation
Some two-phase commit optimizations for cloud storage.
I'm Tithing Ten Percent of My Income to Effective Charities
For now, I'm donating to GiveWell Top Charities Fund.
Review: Paxos Quorum Leases: Fast Reads Without Sacrificing Writes
A Paxos variant that speeds up linearizable reads in geo-distributed clusters.
Village Zendo's Winter 2022 Meditation Retreat
Photos from our Zen retreat at Garrison Institute.
Paper Review: Rex: Replication at the Speed of Multi-core
Faster replication through the magic of partial order.
New Paltz Zen Center
December 18, 2022. Jo An, Keishin, and Ruby the dog practicing at the New Paltz Zen Center in upstate New York.
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