A. Jesse Jiryu Davis
All Articles
Category: Review
Review: PolarDB-SCC: A Cloud-Native Database Ensuring Low Latency for Strongly Consistent Reads
Alibaba's cloud-native SQL DB has a clever method for reading fresh data from secondaries.
Review: Performance Modeling and Design of Computer Systems: Queueing Theory in Action
Two friends and I wrote a joint review of a math textbook.
Review: SelfTune: Tuning Cluster Managers
A 2023 paper describing a simple system for automatically configuring auto-scaling and other aspects.
Review: Distributed Reset
A 1994 paper describing how to bring a distributed system to a known state.
Review: Cornus: Atomic Commit for a Cloud DBMS with Storage Disaggregation
Some two-phase commit optimizations for cloud storage.
Review: Paxos Quorum Leases: Fast Reads Without Sacrificing Writes
A Paxos variant that speeds up linearizable reads in geo-distributed clusters.
Paper Review: Rex: Replication at the Speed of Multi-core
Faster replication through the magic of partial order.
Paper Review: Programming as Theory Building
Peter Naur (of Backus-Naur form) wrote that programmers' main job is not coding, but building a theory of the problem and solution.
Review: The Scout Mindset
Julia Galef's book points out the dangers of motivated reasoning, and encourages us to be skeptical of ourselves.
Reading A Journal of the Plague Year in New York
Daniel Defoe's account of London in 1665 is eerily like New York in 2020.
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